Saddle up your camels, ladies, we're off to battle! A free-wheeling commentary of a lady who believes that women belong in combat, certainly not in the military, but in the home -- in the spiritual battle for their families. Join us on the frontlines as we cover homeschooling, the culture wars, raising sons, virtuous manhood and womanhood, helping our husbands, femininity, serving Christ the King, and all other fronts in the holy war we face. Up camels!

Friday, February 11, 2005

Hypocrites and Hash

Recently someone wrote a screed about my husband, and some of our coworkers in our non-profit accusing us all of being flagrant, gasp, Christians. I am fed up with the seculars who say they are about tolerance and diversity, but are totally intolerant of anyone who disagrees with them and can't bear diversity if it includes Christianity. Why can't these guys see that they are so busy accusing us of judging folks by their beliefs that they can't see that they are judging us by our beliefs. I herewith create a new acronym RWYW - READ WHAT YOU WROTE, the 21st century version of "look in the mirror, dear."

So what does hash have to do with it? These hypocrites are making hash of the English language. It's becoming newspeak: tolerance = those who aren't "progressive" enough will be ridiculed, demonized and ostracized; diversity = you are only allowed to be different in physical, non-important ways, everyone must believe the same; inclusive = we include everyone who isn't a Christian.

And unfortunately, all this frustration makes me want to bury my sorrows in a big plate of hash from O'Dell's in Union, SC. Hash with bread & butter pickles. Lots of it. That's why I'm overweight - frustration.

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