Saddle up your camels, ladies, we're off to battle! A free-wheeling commentary of a lady who believes that women belong in combat, certainly not in the military, but in the home -- in the spiritual battle for their families. Join us on the frontlines as we cover homeschooling, the culture wars, raising sons, virtuous manhood and womanhood, helping our husbands, femininity, serving Christ the King, and all other fronts in the holy war we face. Up camels!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Economic Idiocy Confronted

Are you totally confused about why our government is spending our money (and our children's!) to bail out all these big companies? Does something feel not quite right about paying a failing company to keep doing the same thing? Wondering if it's the Depression and we just elected FDR? Me, too!

Read Robert Murphy's Consumer's Don't Cause Recessions and understand why the government is doing what it's doing and why it's all wrong and likely to make matters worse. Read the whole thing. And then let your legislators know that if failures don't fail, they keep doing failing things and the economy can't recover.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Reformation Day

On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther posted Ninety-Five Theses (or topics for discussion) on the cathedral doors in Wittenberg, Germany. This act, questioning the Catholic Church's departure from Scriptural truth and practice, was the beginning of the Reformation. The Reformation resulted in the formation of new churches that taught the gospel, avoided the abuses of the Church, gave the Word of God to the people in their native languages, and restored the primacy of the teaching and preaching of the Word of God to the church. Previous to the Reformation, almost all church teaching, Bible reading, and choral music was in Latin, which only a very small minority of the population understood.

Our family has always celebrated Reformation Day. Our children greatly look forward to it. We always have a party (though this year, due to illness, only our family will be present), serve German or Swiss food, watch the Martin Luther movie (or occasionally a movie about another Reformer), play games such as "Pin the Theses on the Wittenberg Door" and celebrate God's mercy in restoring the gospel to his people.

This year's menu includes bratwurst and knockwurst, Bavarian sauerkraut, hot German potato salad, hard rolls, and apple strudel. If you've never had hot German potato salad, you are missing a treat! It's nothing like regular potato salad, and is totally yummy.

Several folks have asked how we do "Pin the Theses". The children take a huge sheet of paper, or several of them taped together, and draw a great, big, old-fashioned church-style door on it. They label all the panels with different types of candy treats. Players are blindfolded and spinned the number of times they are years old (capped at 15 :-) then they try to place their post-it note Theses on the right panel to get a great treat. Lots of fun and helps the little ones remember what we are celebrating.

I hope you will take time today to remember those who risked their lives to bring Reformation to the church of God and to thank God for his mercy in bringing us to Himself.

Friday, October 03, 2008

Stuff and Nonsense on Gestational Diabetes

Unbelievably, I have been hearing recently about folks that don't think gestational diabetes is real or that we should be concerned about it. Arrrrggggghhhhh. Go read some research.

I'm not saying it's not overdiagnosed, or poorly treated when it is, because that's pretty obvious just listening to the wide variety of often contradictory advice moms are getting. So...

Here's my take on managing gestational diabetes (diabetes during pregnancy), taken from a long letter I just wrote another mom.

DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice. This is an explanation of what I've found works for me. Consult your own medical professional (doctor, midwife, dietician, nutritionist, whatever).

I have had diagnosed gestational diabetes (GD) with 7 pregnancies. It is very doable!!! I have learned a lot and I'll try to share it with you if you can stand it long enough - I've got a lot to say :-).

The traditional diabetic diet has too many carbohydrates and not enough fat and protein for many pregnant women. They emphasize low fat because a type 2 diabetic generally needs to lose weight, not because it causes problems with your blood sugar! A pregnant mom doesn't need to lose weight. Therefore, most people with GD need to eat more protein and more fat and less carbs. Let me explain why:

Much of the food we eat is converted by our bodies into glucose - the body's fuel. The increase in glucose after we eat, causes our pancreas to release insulin, which is the key that opens the door to our cells for glucose to enter so that it can be used for energy. If we go too long without eating, our blood sugar may drop too low. In that case, the liver produces glycogen, which breaks down the fat in our bodies - to glucose - for energy. Sometimes our cells become resistant to insulin - when we are overweight, or we've inherited some bad genes, or we're pregnant. Pregnant moms become slightly resistant to insulin in the last trimester, to raise their blood sugar a little so the baby can pack on some fat. Unfortunately, some of us become too resistant to insulin and our blood sugar becomes too high. That is dangerous for the baby and for us. Blood sugar that is way too high is damaging to sensitive organs - not good for either. Also, the baby gets used to producing a huge amount of insulin to deal with the high blood sugar. This causes the baby to pack on too much weight (which can cause birth problems. And when the baby is born, suddenly it doesn't have your high blood sugar to live on and when it produces the high amount of insulin it has become used to, the baby's blood sugar drops dangerously low. That's why gestational diabetes is a concern. There are those who deny GD is real or say it is underlying diabetes. For one thing, it isn't true - my hemoglobin A1c (which tells your blood sugar over the past several months) is always normal at the start of pregnancy. For another thing, your baby is at stake - ignore them! Now, how to deal with it???

Carbs are for energy. They raise your blood sugar quickly, your insulin responds quickly and hopefully, your body takes in the carbs and your blood sugar drops quickly. Proteins arefor building blocks of cells and for some energy. They raise your blood sugar much more slowly. Fats are for long term energy and for brain health among other things. They raise your blood sugar very slowly indeed. Eating a balance of these things together means your blood sugar doesn't have huge peaks and valleys. This is called euglycemia (good blood sugar) and is best for the baby. Eating carbs by themselves is a bad idea.

So, carbohydrates are the main thing you need to be concerned about lowering in your diet. I test my blood sugar 5 times a day - before breakfast, two hours after each meal and at bedtime. I have found that while the typical GD diet allows a good many grams of carbs per meal - I can only eat 30g at a time, or my blood sugar goes too high. Now, I can eat that amount every two hours if I want, and I don't have a problem, but I can't eat many carbs at a time at all. It is very important to get enough nutrition during pregancy, though, so what do I do? I nearly starved to death on the regular diet. Now, I eat as many proteins and fats and low carb veggies as I want, 30g of carbs or less and eat again in two to four hours if I'm hungry and my blood sugar is right. I've learned to add more meat and cheese to my sandwich instead of having another sandwich :-)

Here are some tips for managing:

Find out your carbs by reading packages. Subtract the grams of fiber from the grams of carbohydrates to find out how many carbs something has. Fiber doesn't count against you, in fact it helps your blood sugar rise more slowly. Bread is something that has drastic differences. A slice of bread can have anywhere between 5g and 60g!! Nature's Own has some very low carb breads (though they aren't called that - look for Double Fiber, Whole Wheat and others). For unpackaged foods, you can look up their carbs on the internet.

If your fasting blood sugar is too high, you may be having Rebound or Semogyi effect. That means your blood sugar is getting too low in the middle of the night and your body is producing too much glycogen and raising your blood sugar too high. Never go to bed without a snack unless your blood sugar is too high. A protein-heavy and fatty snack is best like a piece of cheese toast or some cheese nachos or peanut butter. If that doesn't work to bring it into the normal range, try a glass of milk or a snack at *3am* as well - the usual time for low blood sugar. It is amazing how that will work!!!!

I have found I can have most any food if I eat a small enough quantity and in balance. If you are having trouble with that protein and fat thing - well, I wanted something sweet - drink a half cup of milk with it. Whole milk. It has fat and proteins and also increases your insulin production. Some food tend to be troublesome for most people like pizza and tortillas. We love tortillas, so I just buy the low carb kind for me.

Exercise increases our cells' response to insulin drastically. Whenever you have that high blood sugar feeling - antsy, irritable, feel like the hair on the back of your hand is standing up, thirsty - exercise! I even do this on bedrest with leg lifts and arm lifts (even with weights). Wow! That really helps your blood sugar.

If you are losing weight, or having to drastically reduce your carbs, test your ketones first thing in the morning. You can buy urine ketone test strips at any drug store or Wal-Mart. Ketones aren't good for the baby and you need more calories if you are testing positive. However, if you aren't getting a bed time snack or you are having a rebound effect and haven't tried the 3am snack, you can show ketones, too. That means you need more nighttime calories. I always lose weight in pregnancy, but if I show ketones, I eat more!

Keep an eye out for low blood sugar - nausea, faintness, tingly, confused - and always keep a snack with you!!!!!!!!

I hope you are still with me and that this will help you to manage your GD without insulin. Some folks do need it - if they can't get enough calories with what their bodies can tolerate in carbs or if their blood sugar is swinging all over the place, but lots more just need to understand how their bodies work and learn to adjust to it. I'm sorry you are having to deal with this, but seriously, it is manageable. You just have to take charge of learning about what your body needs.

Friday, September 05, 2008

Feminist Hypocrisy

I have had just about enough with the liberal opinion pieces about Sarah Palin. Running for VP isn't my cup of tea: I think no one can replace a mother at home in her children's lives. But. BUT. What in the world has happened to the liberals? They spend so much energy encouraging moms to leave their children with people less educated than themselves and get a job so that they "won't waste their lives", then when a woman who did that runs for office, I'm hearing things I never thought I'd hear from them: "Her family needs her! What about that baby??" It is bizarre. It is also obvious that it is not about principle. Nope. Sarah Palin is a conservative and must be stopped, they believe. Therefore, they'll say things they would have foamed at the mouth at last week. What hypocrites!

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Forced to Pray in School!

Yes, you read it right, children were forced to pray in government school in the UK. Perhaps you'd be less shocked if you heard that they were forced to pray to Allah. Oh, of course! According to the "lights" of our age, being asked to pray to God would be horrible discrimination, but being forced to pray to Allah is learning to be sensitive and to appreciate diversity. Can anyone tell me why there are any Christian parents who still have their children in public schools in the UK?

For those who do, I want to remind you of the Ten Commandments and most specifically the first two:

“You shall have no other gods before Me. “You shall not make for yourself a carved image—any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.

We are not to bow down and pray to anyone but God alone. The Islamic religion is not compatible with Christianity - it denies the deity of Christ, the need for a Savior, salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, among other things. We, as parents, will be held accountable for what we teach and allow to be taught to our children. It would be different if you were in a country where you had no legal alternative, but this is not true in the UK. There are public (we call them private in the US) schools and you even have the freedom to teach your own children at home. Check out Home Service. No excuses. Our children's souls are at stake.

Read the whole thing here.

H/T WorldNetDaily

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Gossip Goes High Tech

Well, I just once again read a internet screed written by a friend of mine attacking other friends of mine and felt like weeping. What is so incredibly sad about this is that everyone involved is a Christian. Granted, each person involved feels like they followed Biblical principles and the other person is plainly wrong and has destroyed their life. They feel like they have no recourse other than to spread their accusations on the net. The attacked party feels like they have no recourse other than to respond. So, anyone reading these sites feels dirty and soiled and can hardly think of anyone on either side the same way anymore. And our dirty laundry - our lack of conformity to Christ - is shouted before the world.
Wouldn't it be better to be wronged?

That's what keeps going through my head. Is God not in His heaven? Is He not able to bring sinners to justice? Must we attack the reputation of fellow believers before the entire world?

I know, I've heard all the reasons: These people plainly aren't real Christians. I need to warn people about them. I need to make sure others aren't hurt by them. It's the only way I have to be made right.

I understand that if my reputation had been attacked, if we'd lost what our friends are saying that they have, I would no doubt desire to do the same thing. But, oh how I hope the Lord would give me the faith and grace not to. For it seems better to be wronged than to parade our disunity and ill-feelings before the world.

And to those who provoked all this anger, was there some way to avoid hurting a brother or sister this much? Some way to restore the relationship? Some way to be wronged rather than destroy each other?

20 “I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word; 21 that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me. John 17:20-21

May it be so. I don't ever want to read another one of those as long as I live.

Friday, June 27, 2008

"One may practice one's religion in private..."

...said Cathryn Hazouri, executive director of the ACLU, while testifying in favor of SB200, a new Colorado law that makes discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation a criminal act. Read WorldNetDaily to find out why this law is a severe danger to free speech, freedom of association and the free market in Colorado. And remember Hazouri's quote when you wonder what the liberals really intend.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Germany Returns to Tyranny

Today German homeschool parents Juergen and Rosemarie Dudek were sentenced today to three months in prison for homeschooling their children. Authorities have tested the children, who got top marks, but the prosecutor is determined to curtail their freedom.

Read the story here, then get on your knees and pray for this brother and sister and their dear children. Then pray for freedom for all parents to disciple their children.

You Can't Make It Up...

Do you think a parent should be able to ground a twelve year old who does dangerous things on the internet like posting inappropriate pictures of herself? A Canadian court doesn't think so....

Folks, this is insane. Go straight to here to find out about the Parental Rights Amendment. It's time we codified what used to be common sense. Evidently, it's too late for some countries.

H/T Lucianne

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Worried About Warming?

Don't be. I'm old enough to remember reading the news media's alarming articles about the Ice Age our world was inevitably crashing toward back in the early 70's and I'm not the only one. You have got to read Walter William's editorial Environmentalists Still Can't Get It Right. It'll cool you off!

H/T Lucianne

Thursday, February 28, 2008

A Fond Farewell to William F. Buckley, Jr.

Last night, we gathered our children to tell them the story of a very great man. We told them that once America was hastening to a majority view of despair and socialism. That once upon a time nearly everyone was deceived into thinking the government held the answers to our problems. Then came William F. Buckley.

Bill Buckley founded National Review in 1955 and gave birth and voice to the modern conservative movement. I'm firstly a conservative because of my parents, who were influenced by Buckley and Firing Line and Human Events. They knocked on doors for Goldwater, avidly followed politics, and more, discussed it with us. I even remember debating politics on the school bus as a 2nd grader. I was taught well, but it was National Review that led me to really think about the principles my fine parents gave me. I remember Hal reading me the magazine while I cooked supper as a newlywed - and it was cold water in a thirsty land. How many conservatives, like us, were made principled thinkers by William F. Buckley?

There is an erudite voice missing in our world now that Bill Buckley has gone to his reward. Lord, raise up many in his place!

Note: If you don't recognize who Bill Buckley is, you are in for a treat of an education:
National Review Online - be sure to check out their blog The Corner for some great eulogies of WFB
Up From Liberalism A foundational book - Check out God and Man at Yale as well! Buckley was an exquisite writer.
More later, my family has gone to bed without me!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Homeschooling Boys Workshop in Lenoir

Dear Friends in Lenoir,

Please forgive me for taking so long to post this. I greatly enjoyed spending time with you and I was so impressed by the number and quality of questions asked by your group. It is such a blessing to speak to engaged listeners!

Thank you for letting me come!
Melanie Young

Here's the handout:

Ballistic Homeschooling: Surviving and Appreciating Boys
Melanie Young
Copyright 05/2005, 2008

I. The Challenge of Boys

II. A Vision of Manhood
A. Aiming at Young Men
B. Manhood Marred
C. Resisting Feminization
D. Manly Virtues: Courage, Honor, a Stalwart heart to fight for right, Persistence, Fortitude, Endurance, Leadership. Men should be Brave, True, Faithful, Honest, and Intrepid.

III. Raising Men of Iron with Hearts of Gold
A. Give them something to aim for.
B. Leadership vs. Rebellion
C. Learning Responsibility
The Vision
Avoiding Disaster
D. Purpose in Life
E. Discord among the brethren
F. Passionate Purity
G. What’s sin, what’s not
H. Loving your sons

IV. More than survival

Books by G.A. Henty are fantastic (Vision Forum, lots of vendors)
Sugar Creek Gang books by Paul Hutchins
Cowboy Sam readers by Edna Walker Chandler
Jeff McLean: His Courtship (Timberdoodle sells this)
Vision Forum catalog
Timberdoodle catalog
Plants Grown Up by Doorposts
Poems for Patriarchs (Vision Forum sells this)
The War Against Boys: How Misguided Feminism is Harming Our Young Men by Christina Hoff Sommers (secular, but good information)
Roy Rogers and Lone Ranger movies (buy very cheaply on eBay); Movies made during World War II like Sergeant York; War movies do not upset boys, they inspire them!
Ivanhoe by Sir Walter Scott
I Kissed Dating Goodbye by Josh Harris
Men of Iron by Howard Pyle
Lots of biographies of great men. Teach history through example! Discuss the great men of history as men. Discuss how they met the standard of godly men and how they failed. Some great places to start: Theodore Roosevelt, George Washington, Winston Churchill.