Saddle up your camels, ladies, we're off to battle! A free-wheeling commentary of a lady who believes that women belong in combat, certainly not in the military, but in the home -- in the spiritual battle for their families. Join us on the frontlines as we cover homeschooling, the culture wars, raising sons, virtuous manhood and womanhood, helping our husbands, femininity, serving Christ the King, and all other fronts in the holy war we face. Up camels!

Monday, December 04, 2006

The Christian and the Government

There is no doubt Biblically that we are to be subject to the authorities over us. This is not an absolute command, though. Scripture makes for some serious exceptions: When the authority forces us to violate the commands of God, we are to obey God rather than man. Also, there are examples of appealing to higher civil authority.

I have been hearing lately a lot of discussion from fellow believers that is greatly concerning to me. They state very clearly that they believe we should comply with any request made by a government official as long as it does not ask us to violate a command of God. It is my belief that they misunderstand both the American system of government and the application of God's word.

Our country is plainly founded on the principle of Lex rex - the law is king. This is a radical departure from the majority of governments at the time, most of which believed in the divine right of kings, which was a justification of Rex lex - the king is law. The principle of lex rex was the foundation of the American Revolution -- that King George was in violation of the Magna Carta and other laws to which even he was subject, therefore he was a tyrannical ruler in violation of the law and should be resisted. I fear we no longer understand these principles.

The Constitution of the United States serves the role of the king or final authority in our nation. This is such a blessing as we are not subject to the whims and prejudices of a human ruler. All other laws are therefore subject to the Constitution, and all officials are subject to both. The government officials we deal with are the messengers of King Constitution and they themselves are personally subject to it as well. Therefore, when they act in violation of the Law, then they are false messengers and should be held to account. This is not disobedience or rebellion, but rather obedience to the higher power. Now, I am not advocating disorder or disrespect - they are still the duly constituted power and therefore deserve the respect of their positions. In our country, we have a variety of ways to hold government officials to account in an orderly, peaceful way: we can appeal to their authority by referencing the authority of the law, we can respectfully refuse to comply with "requests" as not bearing the force of law, we can appeal to the authority they directly report to, we can appeal through the judiciary, we can vote them out or insist on their removal by those we can vote out, and we can and should pray.

The Scripture does not forbid us to appeal to authority! Rather, Paul, when being treated highhandedly by the local authority reminded them that he was a Roman citizen and had certain rights which they must respect. Read about Paul's trial and successful appeal. Scripture also expects us to choose the leaders we follow carefully and hold them to account for their obedience to the law of God. Read the entire Old Testament to see God's judgement on those who chose and followed wicked leaders. When we exercise our rights and privileges as American citizens to insist our leaders follow the law which makes them leaders, we are being subject to the authorities over us as Scripture commands.

There would have never been an American Revolution if the ideas I'm hearing held sway over our forefathers. Think about that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Right on!