Saddle up your camels, ladies, we're off to battle! A free-wheeling commentary of a lady who believes that women belong in combat, certainly not in the military, but in the home -- in the spiritual battle for their families. Join us on the frontlines as we cover homeschooling, the culture wars, raising sons, virtuous manhood and womanhood, helping our husbands, femininity, serving Christ the King, and all other fronts in the holy war we face. Up camels!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The Decline and Fall of Civilization

I thought reality TV couldn't get any worse until I read this ghoulish piece in which Dutch TV show contestants compete for the kidneys of a terminally ill lady. Can this possibly be the land of godly William the Silent? The country of Haarlem, whose citizens nearly starved to the last man rather than give up their right to worship the Savior by surrendering to Alva? How the spiritually mighty have fallen! May the Lord prevent us from having descendents like these.

Update: The producers say that their show was a hoax - that the terminally ill lady was really an actress and the show was meant to draw attention to the need for organ donors. I fail to understand how this improves matters. Not only are they offering this "entertainment" but they are lying about it :-P

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