Saddle up your camels, ladies, we're off to battle! A free-wheeling commentary of a lady who believes that women belong in combat, certainly not in the military, but in the home -- in the spiritual battle for their families. Join us on the frontlines as we cover homeschooling, the culture wars, raising sons, virtuous manhood and womanhood, helping our husbands, femininity, serving Christ the King, and all other fronts in the holy war we face. Up camels!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


We woke this morning to find a wonderful bit of vandalism to our front door. In the night, some wag posted the Ninety-Five Theses to our door -- with a note saying, "You've been nailed! Happy Reformation Day!" and some treats. Thankfully, they used tape not nails, but what a delightful reminder that we are not alone, that others are remembering the great debate and rediscovery of the gospel, too. Thanks, friend!

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