Saddle up your camels, ladies, we're off to battle! A free-wheeling commentary of a lady who believes that women belong in combat, certainly not in the military, but in the home -- in the spiritual battle for their families. Join us on the frontlines as we cover homeschooling, the culture wars, raising sons, virtuous manhood and womanhood, helping our husbands, femininity, serving Christ the King, and all other fronts in the holy war we face. Up camels!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Dearth and Ruin

The Bible says in the dearth of people is a prince's ruin. For as long as I can remember, though, the culture has been screaming that overpopulation is a problem, that people are like parasites on the earth, that it is irresponsible to bear more than two children. Who's right?

Europe is finding that God is right. No European country has even a replacement birthrate. The graying of Europe is likely to have dire economic consequences. Even Catholic Italy can't seem to convince people to have enough children to keep the country going. Russia now aborts more babies than are born there and will probably have too few workers to sustain their economy by 2020.

Tonight I read an article in Foreign Affairs in which the author was disturbed that the only people having babies were those that believed in God. Although he offers quite a few ideas to encourage seculars to reproduce, he misses the most critical thing: those who are selfish will do what is selfish; those who live by principle, will live out their principles.

We have seven children. We live by principle. We believe in God. Funny thing is, we seem a lot happier than those who only seek their own pleasure. Seems God had something to say about that, too.

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