Saddle up your camels, ladies, we're off to battle! A free-wheeling commentary of a lady who believes that women belong in combat, certainly not in the military, but in the home -- in the spiritual battle for their families. Join us on the frontlines as we cover homeschooling, the culture wars, raising sons, virtuous manhood and womanhood, helping our husbands, femininity, serving Christ the King, and all other fronts in the holy war we face. Up camels!

Friday, August 12, 2005

Leadership - Poor and Otherwise

MamahadeenWell, it's that time again. I'm totally infuriated and need to let off some steam, so here we go. It drives me crazy how so many people in so-called leadership won't take responsibility. We recently had a snafu in one of the orgs I'm involved with and everyone stood around pointing at the other guy, while the ship was going down. It's at times like this that you really have an opportunity to see how rare real leadership is. Leaders are out in front. Leaders take responsibility. When bad stuff happens, the leaders bust their behinds to fix it. Today I led. Hardly anyone saw it, but I stepped up to the plate and took care of business. Then I looked around. I was all but alone out there. Where were the folks that blew the situation in the first place. My blood boiled. Another day ruined. Another day lost fixing a mess I didn't create. Another day of putting my life aside to save the day. Arrrgggghhhhhh.

Then I took a nursing break and read a little in By Pike and Dyke by G.A. Henty. Once again, I was infuriated at the lack of leadership and lack of responsibility shown by the burghers of Flanders and Brabant. I felt for William of Orange - he always stood in the breach. He was always faithful in the midst of the faithlessness of his enemies and allies alike. I was reminded that the world is full of fools and incompetent leaders, but this wasn't about what is easy, it's about the will of God. William of Orange was God's man for that time. He kept the faith and fought for the people of God when they barely had the sense to fight for themselves. He did what the Lord would have him to do. He was a good and faithful servant.

That's what I want to be and really that's enough. Just let the rest go.

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